Rainbow Six Siege
This page covers a bit of Arcanic Artistry's history alongside showing off the growth of my understanding of design and laser engraving. I hope you enjoy!

It all began with the lord Tachanka.
Back in college my friend showed me how to use our university's laser engraving machine. I created this coaster, posted it online, and people were interested enough to buy them! The snowball began as I made more operators through the school's lab and eventually I was spending too much time making coasters at school. I took the dive and invested in a large laser engraver and it continued from there.
The following photos are different versions, creations, and the eventual standard set of designs I work from today at the bottom.

Things were a bit hectic... As you might notice I was using a lot of different woods at all kinds of sizes and designs! Posing for the photo in the center was my recently adopted cat, Pixel. After these designs were sent out to the world I slowly began standardizing the design for a better appearance and function.

Look at those attackers and defenders! All lined up on opposite sides of wood. For a short time, this served as my way to say, "Hey, this is what you can expect when purchasing a piece!" but these engravings were each about half an inch tall and didn't serve design all to well on smaller screens.
The Youtuber/Twitch streamer Microwave gaming's logo. I made a set and sent it over as a token of appreciation for all the entertainment he's brought over the years.
It follows a philosophy I still hold today when creating:
I don't design for profit, I design to share something nerdy.

Soon I standardized the material being used, and at the time somebody was grateful enough to purchase an entire set of every operator available at the time! Giving me the perfect opportunity to show off all the designs in full 4" glory that became the standard for all future coasters. It wouldn't be another few months until I realized a crazy easy way to mix up the next style of design.

It seemed so simple at the time, how could somebody miss it? Cut the design to the shape of the operator's logo! And from there, this as well as the classic coaster square shape still stands as the new standard of Siege coasters.

Putting everything together, you can see every current design for operators engraved here!

Laser Cut Operator Boards